mojo: morsels
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
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- Fax: 480-563-0979
- Cell: 602-317-7250
meet us
lisa martin
Lisa is an accomplished coach and trainer who champions others to discover and leverage their full potential. She excels at guiding people in the quest for their mojo. When Lisa taps into her mojo, she’s “all-in” and plays “full-out.” This is Lisa’s story...
in her own words
I am PASSIONATE about personal development. Tom-Cruise-jump-on-the-couch passionate. For me, helping others re-discover their mojo makes my heart sing. You see, I too lost my mojo, so I know how it feels. To put it plainly, it sucks. From the day I graduated college, I thought my mission was to climb the corporate ladder. After 15 years, I had reached a rung that many would define as “successful.” I had a great title, made lots of money and had “important responsibilities.” Yet, I wasn’t happy. Still I toughed it out anyway. I used to call it my 18-Month Syndrome, because every year-and-a-half I would ask myself, “What’s next?” Contentment and fulfillment seemed just out of reach. I had lost my mojo so gradually, I hadn’t even realized it. Fortunately, I’ve always had amazing friends and colleagues in my life. They spotted my lack of joie de vivre and even pointed it out on occasion.
and a funny thing happened...
I began noticing that whenever I would have a particularly meaningful conversation – to support a friend or coach a colleague – I would hear, “You should do this for a living.” Finally, I started paying attention to that message. I knew I LOVED (and I do mean LOVE in all caps) coaching but couldn’t imagine that it was possible to do it for a living. “What? You mean, I could do this full-time? No way.”
Yet my dad’s voice kept ringing in my ears. He often quoted Joseph Campbell who said, “When you follow your bliss, doors will open for you where there weren’t doors for anyone else.” So I followed my bliss. I enrolled in a coach-training program and after a few months, made the leap out of the corporate world. It was frighteningly exhilarating.
like jumping out of an airplane at 10,000 feet...without a chute!
Exhilarating? Yes. Terrifying? That too. Especially when I realized I hadn’t “packed a parachute.” Sure, I’d filled my knapsack with inspiration, but neglected to pack a clear or well-thought-out plan. And so I panicked. “Who is going to hire me? How will I pay my bills? What was I thinking?!” These and a thousand other self-defeating questions ran through my head and distracted me from doing what I was best at and what I loved the most. This time, I had lost my mojo in an instant. To rediscover it, I got a lot of coaching and went on a weeklong solitary retreat. On the last night of my retreat, I awoke at 4:00 am with incredible clarity about my mojo and my vision for it. (Yes, it really happened that way.)
what i discovered was this...
My mojo is working with people who are looking for fulfillment in their lives, educational experiences and careers, and who want to rediscover their mojo. I’m great at helping those people. It’s what lights me up the most. When I help someone get clear about their strengths and spirit, create a vision for themselves, and turn it into a reality, my own strength and spirit intersect. After all, I’ve been there. I understand. And I believe that it’s possible for anyone to discover their own mojo.
All it takes is a willingness to take that first step.
other things i think you should know...
Creating an environment of trust where clients can fully engage in self-discovery and express themselves is paramount at Mojo Associates.
One of my mottos used to be “Work hard. Play hard.” But then I had a revelation-- when I’m inspired and everything’s going well, it’s not work and it’s not hard! That’s my intention for all of my clients. We don’t “work hard” – but we do play big and we play full out. As such, I bring my passion and bold thinking to every coaching session. And in turn, my clients bring their “A-game” and a genuine desire to achieve results.
My interests are as diverse as my clients. Everything from:
- Playful banter to deep spiritual or intellectual discussions
- The gym and yoga studio to the boardroom
- Classical music to alternative
- Ballet at the theater to Monday Night Football
- Sophomoric comedies to poignant stories
Having this range enables me to relate and to deliver what’s called for in each unique situation.
professional background
Lisa has had over 15 years of experience working in the government, insurance, and pharmaceutical sectors. Prior to founding Mojo Associates, she worked as a senior director with Sepracor, Inc., a research-based pharmaceutical company. While with Sepracor, Lisa created a development program for her direct reports and coached her team to an unprecedented 70% promotion rate during a sales force expansion. Lisa also developed and facilitated training for the entire sales force and management team.
Lisa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of New Mexico, with an emphasis in Interpersonal Communication and Public Speaking. Post-graduation, Lisa earned recognition from Toastmasters International. Several leading companies such as Wilson Learning, Achieve Global, and the Ken Blanchard Companies have certified Lisa to deliver numerous and notable management and leadership programs.
Lisa completed extensive training at The Coaches Training Institute and received advanced training and certification in Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching at the Center for Right Relationship. Lisa holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coach Federation and is committed to upholding the ethical standards of that organization.