Mojo Associates

mojo: morsels

When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else.

Joseph Campbell

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lead with mojo

executive and professional development coaching for organizational leaders 

Are you ready to optimize your leadership skills? Enhance your management proficiency? Is today the day you want to start experiencing greater career fulfillment? Then it’s time for you to Lead with Mojo.   

If you’re a high-performing, high-potential leader ready to reach new heights in your career while staying competitive in the marketplace, Lead with Mojo is for you. Lead with Mojo is an Executive Coaching opportunity that focuses on what’s most critical to achieve your desired results:   

  • Increasing your value to your organization by increasing the significance of your contributions 

  • Leading and managing with more effectiveness, focus and enthusiasm  

  • Optimizing the organization’s bottom line for maximized return

Lead with Mojo offers exercises and strategies developed specifically for corporate executives, business owners, current organization leaders and others within an organization identified as “High Potential” employees. 

the 4-1-1 

If you’re an executive or manager, Lead with Mojo assists you in enhancing on-the-job performance in areas such as leadership, strategic execution, and change management.  This one-to-one coaching experience provides an environment in which you can discuss challenges and opportunities outside of your day-to-day responsibilities.  In this setting, you can explore different perspectives and strategize how you can achieve your goals.   

For business leaders intent on retaining high-performing, high-potential employees within your organization, Lead with Mojo is a means of developing and nurturing key talent, while increasing their value and contributions within your organization.  

what you can expect from mojo associates  

At Mojo Associates, we’re all about bringing out the best in you—your mojo-- whether you’re focused on improving and enhancing your education, your career or your daily life.   

When we work with you, we focus on deepening your awareness of all that you are or can be, so you make the best decisions possible based upon self-awareness and deep introspection, rather than out of fear or old habits.   

We partner with you to create a vision that incorporates all aspects of your life; provide accountability to ensure forward progress towards your goals; and help you develop lasting habits that will lead to an inspired and fulfilling life by maximizing both your personal and professional potential.  


“There are many other individuals that I have worked with besides Lisa. All these individuals have training on skills, MBA's, training on leadership but most of them lack the one thing I respect the most...and that is dreams. Lisa had been preparing herself for quite some time for the next stage in her professional career. When the opportunity came knocking she was able to open the door and jump right through.  Lisa has many qualities of a true leader and the ones I appreciate are the soft skills such as positive attitude and inspiration. Lisa's positive attitude is such that when you are in discussions you don't know you did wrong or right all you feel is that there will be an upside to the discussion and outcome. This attitude is infectious and is validated by the following of her former peers, subordinates, and supervisors. Finally, I must say that inspiration is truly a gift Lisa has and wants to share with the world. She was hit with an inspiration stick when she was born. (Don't get me wrong – she can employ management tactics and discipline.) She has passion, competence, sound judgment and technical skills which allows her to inspire people to reach their goals”
 -- S.M., Sales Manager

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