mojo: morsels
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.
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mojo:vangelists tell all.
they know what it's like to lose--and then rediscover--their mojo.
Ultimately, for those who have worked with us, mojo rediscovery has been an uplifting and inspiring event that has changed the direction and quality of their lives.
Here's what they have to say:
I look forward to each and every conversation with her, as I know I can take just about anything that is rumbling around in my head, talk about it with her, and she will ask me a question that will help me see the issue from either a bigger, deeper, or in some cases less serious perspective. I often walk away with resolution, and if it is not a thought process that can be easily resolved, I am given specific tasks or exercises to help me assess it in a different way.
What is so amazing about her is that she has this ability, at any given time, to know exactly what she is feeling, and why, and then makes choices around it. She translates this in her interactions with others by asking them questions that help them do the same thing. She asks questions that help get to the heart of the matter... so instead of thinking along a "dead end" path, her questions help re-frame things so the path actually leads somewhere. I know, for me, when something is on my mind, I crave and look forward to my next conversation with her the same way I crave my cup of coffee in the morning.”
-- D.A., Financial Advisor
“Lisa is a leader, a visionary, intuitive, dedicated, professional, committed to continuing education, and most of all she is one who maximizes helping individuals and groups to clarify their needs and wants to create a path to self-fulfillment. Anyone who has the opportunity to capitalize on Lisa’s talents, as an Executive Coach, will have their expectations exceeded and be all the better for having worked with her.
Over the past six years I have worked with Lisa. During that time, with her guidance, I have now held four different and progressive roles within my company and am very satisfied. Lisa has been there all along. Each step of the way, she has helped me to sort out both my concrete thoughts and needs as well as some of the more intangible and not-so-clear issues that nag at me. She works through questioning and understanding bringing to light powerful analogies and many thought-provoking questions that help me (and I am sure anyone she works with) to arrive at my own conclusions, be at peace with them, and stay focused on who I am, what I want to attain, and for the right reasons. For me, since career and personal life are an intricate blend, she has always made sure to pay attention to both sides to insure that I am ultimately fulfilled in my life’s big picture, not just one side.
I am extremely grateful for the role that Lisa has played in my life and the results that relationship has yielded. It is without hesitation that I whole-heartedly recommend her coaching to anyone who is struggling with their direction in life, dealing with office politics, wanting to attain a promotion, balancing life, or simply striving to be their personal best. Being an Executive Coach is clearly Lisa’s vocation and all who work with her will experience that!”
-- C.L., Account Director
“After experiencing Lisa Stefan’s coaching abilities, I am what you would call ‘blown away’ with the self realizations she led me to discover. I did not expect that anyone could be so completely focused on what was important for ME in the moment. My vision for my own future is greatly expanded, and I am grateful to Lisa for supporting me in making it happen.”
-- G.L.D. Business Owner
“You said something last time we talked, that no matter how long it has been since we talked, it feels like it was just yesterday. I remembered last night what a powerful force and insightful person you are and the impact you have had and continue to have on my life and my journey!
‘No matter what your spiritual condition is, no matter where you find
yourself in the universe, your choice is always the same: to expand your
awareness or contract it.’ -- Thaddeus Golas
I am facing that choice right now, expand or contract, and I have been contracting for way too long and lost my soul! Now I just need to feel comfortable with expanding my wings and jumping off the cliff. Thank you so much.”
-- H.C., Learning Consultant
I really appreciated your perspective and needed to hear some of the things you had to say. In searching for the quote from Anaïs Nin, I found numerous quotes and thought perhaps the one below was the one you had in mind. Thank you again for your feedback and I'll stay in touch.
‘Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.’”
-- J.K., Sales Representative
“I am really excited about life again. I was more productive today than I have been in the last few months. Thank you very much for encouraging and assisting me to find my mojo!”
-- J.M., CEO / Mortgage Advisor
“Lisa demonstrated her insightful ability in coaching our team when we lost confidence in our newly hired local manager. She was able to not only diffuse a difficult and potentially volatile work environment but also turned the situation into a positive learning experience for everyone involved. Each person walked away with a better idea of how they needed to contribute to the team and improve their ability to communicate in a more constructive and appropriate manner. Lisa not only "saved" our team but was able to help our team rally around our manager and help him "exceed expectations" by winning "Manager of the Year" the following year!”
-- S.T., National Sales & Marketing Director
“Lisa Stefan is an amazing coach. She is fun, energetic and bright. Lisa is very honest and has a unique style to her coaching that will attract and retain many clients in the future. She nudged, pushed and called me forth into areas where I needed it. She has a way of coaching that creates a safe space with unlimited possibilities for her clients. The most powerful thing about Lisa is her authenticity and love for people. Her coaching helped me to figure out where I would branch out in my business in the future.”
-- L.S., Vice President Human Resources/Quality Risk Manager
“There are many other individuals that I have worked with besides Lisa. All these individuals have training on skills, MBA's, training on leadership but most of them lack the one thing I respect the most...and that is dreams. Lisa had been preparing herself for quite some time for the next stage in her professional career. When the opportunity came knocking she was able to open the door and jump right through. Lisa has many qualities of a true leader and the ones I appreciate are the soft skills such as positive attitude and inspiration. Lisa's positive attitude is such that when you are in discussions you don't know you did wrong or right. All you feel is that there will be an upside to the discussion and outcome. This attitude is infectious and is validated by the following of her former peers, subordinates, and supervisors. Finally, I must say that inspiration is truly a gift Lisa has and wants to share with the world. She was hit with an inspiration stick when she was born. (Don't get me wrong – she can employ management tactics and discipline.) She has passion, competence, sound judgment and technical skills which allows her to inspire people to reach their goals”
-- S.M., Sales Manager